marți, 17 decembrie 2013

Churches and monasteries in the city of Iasi

Metropolitanate of Moldavia and Bukovina Iasi

 Cathedral Building took place at the initiative of Veniamin Costache and founding act was the Royal Charter of 08.08.1926. The works were held for 6 years 1833-1839 after which were cut off because of falling boltii. The building remains a ruin for 40 years. In 1880 the works shall be started in 1887 is completed.

 Iasi Metropolitan Cathedral stands the world's influential architectural style Italian Baroque style.  In 1889 were brought to Saint James relics Metropolitanate Segments, patron.
Today the Orthodox Church represents a true pole of Moldavian religious, an important place of pilgrimage. On the 14th of October each year the relics of Saint Paraskeva Segments through a religious ritual are removed out of the Metropolis during which thousands of peleniri from all over the country come to celebrate this event, to worship.
Three Hierarchs monastery Iasi 
Built in 1635 by engraving in stone. On the South façade one can read the inscription that was built in the name of the three Saints: Basil the great, Gregory the theologian and John Chrysostom as the founder's Auravand one of the most important figures of the time: the ruler of Moldova: Vasile Lupu.

three Holy hierarchs iasi In sign of gratitude for Prince Vasile Lupu, were sent by the Patriarchate of Constantinople the relics of Saint Parascheva in 1641. Later in 1887 they were displaced in the Metropolitan Cathedral, Iaşi.
The building is the famous stone embroidery on the exterior walls that has been preserved in original form in mostly inspired by Asian and Western elements. Patron Saint is celebrated  on January 30
                                                    Golia Monastery, Iasi

Old church built by logofatul Ioan Golia  in the 16th century was rebuilt at other sizes according to the writings of Miron Costin in the years 1634-1653 by Vasile Lupu sii finished in 1660 by his son Stefanita.
So far, Golia Monastery has been rebuilt countless times after fires in 1687, 1733, 1822 and affected by an earthquake in 1738. The wall surrounding the monastery of 9 m tall and 1 m thick was erected in 1667.

Goliei Tower is considered one of the symbols of Iasi is 30 m high and is a famous tourist attraction for those who want to admire the city of Iasi from height. Inside the wall that surrounds the Golia Monastery we find House-Museum in the Ion Creanga between years 1866-1871.

miercuri, 4 decembrie 2013

My tourist city Iasi

List of museums in the city of Iasi

The "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Iasi

The magnificence of this Palace known as the Palace of culture Iasi impresses through its medieval style which can be admired from his face that he remained a long time not modernized, and behind it, the part that has been recently modernized with the inauguration of the Palas. It is a monument emblematic of Iasi city built in the early 20th century, in the period from 1906-1925 built in place of the former Princely Palace in the perimeter of the former medieval Royal Courts. The princely Palace was built between 1806 and Philly -1812 mentioned in documents in the year 1434.

Palace of culture iasi along time was used as the seat of the Court: until 1955, in the 2nd World War the barracks was used for German troops, then the Soviet Union.
It is said that the initial draft of the Palace had a sketch with 365 rooms, one for each day of the year, but he has 298 rooms and an area of 36,000 square meters Today is inscribed in the list of historical monuments and is the seat of the National Museum complex "Moldova" containing a total of five museums: ethnography, history, art, science and techniqueconservation, cultural heritage, and the County Library Headquarters "Gheorghe Asachi".

Roznovazu Palace - Iasi City Hall

Monument was inaugurated on 04.23.1832 by a big party, considered at the time the largest and most beautiful building in Iasi.

Roznovanu Palace
He served as the residence of the family as Rosetti-Roznovanu and was built by Iordache Neculai Roznovanu with strong Western influences.
Over time served as: 1891 - 1916 City Hall, between 1893-1894 the residence of the royal family (Prince Ferdinand), 1916-1918 political leadership under the refuge headquarters in Bucharest in 1969 and to date is the mayor's office Iasi.

 Union Museum Iasi

Building built at the beginning of the 19th century, situated in the Centre of Iasi has served as home to many personalities as: Prince Alexandru Cuza Jonah, King Ferdinand, famous families: masts, Paladi, Cantacuzino-Dipa, Ghica..



sâmbătă, 23 noiembrie 2013

Images and beautiful places in iasi


Images and beautiful places in iasi

  Ion Creanga hut - Iasi 1872


     Casa Dosoftei - Iasi 1677


Iasi City Hall illuminated  

 Cladirea Primariei Iasi iluminata

   Botanical Garden - Iasi  

Catedrala Mitropoliei - Iasi

                      Metropolitan Cathedral - Iasi 1833

                                                Str. Alexandru Lapusneanu - Iasi            

                   Str. Alexander Lapusneanu - Iasi

                    Teatrul National - Iasi

                                                 Teatrul National - Iasi 1840                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Biblioteca Central Universitara Mihai Eminescu - Iasi         

                                                Central University Library Mihai Eminescu - Iasi  1841


                                                      Turnul Golia - Iasi     

                                                                          Golia Tower - Iasi 1650                                    

                                                           carte_2 022             

                                                          Three Hierarchs Church iasi 1637

               In    the new posts will be more pictures and details about the wonderful city iasi

joi, 14 noiembrie 2013

My City Iasi Romania

 My City Iasi Romania

my city is a wonderful city, full of greenery and new, is in reconstruction will be a modern european city and at the same time they will keep and past

Some historical data about iasi
The city of Iași was first mentioned in a commercial privilege issued in 1408 of Moldova Alexander the good Lord. However, because there were older buildings this time (for example the alleged Armenian Church built in 1395), it is believed that the city is much older, at least a few decades before that date.

In 1564, Prince Alexandru Lăpușneanu moved from soroki here. In 1640, Vasile Lupu established the first Romanian-language school and a printing press in the Trei Ierarhi Church. In 1643, the first book printed in Moldova appeared in Iași.

The town was burned by the Tatars in 1513, by the Ottomans in 1538 and Russians in 1686. In 1734, was affected by the plague.

Through the peace of Iași, the sixth Russo-Turkish war ended in 1792. In 1822, the Ottomans stormed the city, to quench the Etaireía, Greek revolutionaries led by Alexander Ypsilantis.

Between 1565 and 1859, the city was the capital of Moldavia, then, between 1859 and 1862, both Iași and Bucharest were de facto capitals of the United principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia. In 1862, when the Union of the two principalities became Romania's full name, the country's capital was established in Bucharest. To compensate for the losses caused to the city in 1861, by changing the Government's headquarters, has voted to pay the city $ 148.150 but this never happened.

During World War I, for two years, Iași was the capital of Romania, after Bucharest Nashville fell to the central powers on 6 December 1916. In November 1918, the capital city of Bucharest, became.

World War II was a period in the history of black workers. During Antonescu's regime, Iași pogrom of June 27-29, 1941 was one of the most serious events of its kind in the world, little known ieșenilor themselves both before and after the Romanian Revolution of 1989.  At the time, Union Square was strictly supervised by the Securitate made use of its members, which prevented any protest, and members of the Popular Front were arrested. They were released a few days later, on 22 December 1989.

Historical events  In May 1944, the city was the scene of heavy fighting between Romanian-German forces and the Red Army, days in which a large part of the historic area of the city was destroyed. The famous elite Panzergrenadier Division "Großdeutschland" won an important victory over the Soviets at the battle of Târgu Frumos, near Iași. In July, Iașul was occupied by the Stalinist forces.

In the post-war period the city continued to flourish, building new neighborhoods and industrial enterprises. After the fall of communism, the city remained the most important cultural center outside the Carpathian arch, after Bucharest.

Iașul could obtain the title of "the father of the Revolution in December 1989", by Government Decree, in 14 December ' 89 more Romanian nuclear physicists being arrested by security because organized a protest against the Communist regime. The signal for the uprising was to be given by the church bells. The plan was however found out revolutionaries.

The symbol of Iaşi is the Palace of culture is an iconic building, built between 1906 and 1925, the former Ruler of the medieval Moldavian Court
                                                    The Palace of culture seen at night
                                        The Palace of culture seen from the airplane